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Nurul Ain
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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Just a few days ago, i met a working colleague in a train, while on the way to a weekend Chalet. We worked together before i entered NS. In fact, she was my 'trainer', teaching me the ropes of working in Borders. She still looks the same, still working there but different department though. It's like the only thing different about her is her age

Why am i mentioning this? Well, that's just it - Her Age. Being 31. Maybe I'm wrong, but judging by her current status, it doesn't seem as though she's accomplished a lot of things in her life and she's already 31. Time waits for no man.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe she's already achieved more than i can ever imagined and she's working for fun. Maybe she's happy with the simple life. Well, whatever makes her happy. I just can't imagine myself in her current state 9 years from now.

That's why I'm looking to constantly improve myself and my current social status. When i meant me, I also meant my family and 'loved one'. Its just my current lack of financial income is the only thing holding me back. Don't think that getting a job is the end of what i seek. It's just the beginning of more to come baybeh! You just wait. Luckily, time is still on my side. Hopefully God too, Insya'Allah. Kita hanya boleh merancang...

Nothing To Do at 11:38 PM | 0 comments


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Monday, September 21, 2009

I can't believe how much my stamina has dropped in just one month. Damnn!! Thats what happens when you stop training for a month, partly due to the fasting month.

Usually, i can run 4 rounds around my neighbourhood estate, average of 7-8 mins per round, which adds up to about 30-32 mins. No problem, No kick.. but when i tried to go jogging just now, i could barely make it past 2 rounds. JUST 2 ROUNDS?! and i was panting. Wahlau... I bet each round took me like, 9-10mins.

Now i have to build up my stamina all over again..Back to running almost everyday. Build back my horse-like stamina, at the same time burning off this extra spare tire. Maybe i'll start going to the gym too. SP's gym seems like the best option for now. Why? Free!! Well, there is one at Bukit Gombak but i'm not willing to pay $2.50 for the entry fee. See how lah.

Vision without Action is just Hallucination.

Nothing To Do at 8:52 PM | 0 comments


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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Roller coaster September this has been. Wake Me Up When September Ends? Nonono, please don't. More like, I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing. September 13 2009 marked the end of my NS Life. Freedom Baybeh!! Pink IC Baybeh!! To all those still currently serving, or whose Boyfriend is still serving, pelan-pelan kayuh eh... heheh

Okok, i'm being mean. Takper, besok mintak maaf.

Selamat Hari Raya.

Nothing To Do at 8:10 AM | 0 comments


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Thursday, August 27, 2009

This few weeks are gonna just whizz by, and before you know it, ORD Lohh...

Going by the calendar or events:

2nd - 3rd September: CampSTEEL

4th - 6th September: Senior Specialist Course

8th - 11th September: Specialist Course (Phase 4)

13th September: ORD

Technically speaking, 13th Sept is on a Sunday, so my last day as an NSF will be on the 11th. They really know how to fully utilise me.

How time really flies when you're having fun, Seriously! I was joking with Izuwan, my Cadet Officer, not to miss me when i'm gone but he reversed, telling me not to miss THEM whem i'm gone.

That literally made me stop to ponder. Hmm... I guess i really am gonna miss working with them, especially the senior ones, who have thought me in a way, the joys of being a 'kid' again. With all their crazy antics and lame humour not to mention their camaraderie for one another. I know just where and when to find them once i'm gone.

As for this Pocahontas here, i will always pray for your future endeavours. Hope you'll breeze past the 2nd round of ISP Camp. As days go by, i'm starting to get more negative about my chances of getting in. Fret not, as one door seemingly closes, another one may just open for me. I've already gotten the contact number from Aizat regarding the rainbow centre job.

Why not give it a shot? 8am-12pm ONLY, 5 day week for about $1.7k. Not too shabby huh, Nad? If i do get that, i'll probably look for another part-time job, maybe kat Borders keper, or maybe somewhere i can get around $1.3k, then.... =DDDDD Do the math. hahaha, its just a tentative plan. Don't get too ahead of myself. Step by step and we'll see how kays?

Nothing To Do at 7:05 AM | 0 comments


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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I have to thank OBS for:

the opportunity to drown in their swimming pool

introducing me to sandflies

letting me sleep in their pipe tunnel

Nothing To Do at 9:05 PM | 0 comments


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Saturday, August 8, 2009

What am i doing now?
Sitting on my bed, updating my blog while listening to 3 Doors Down's It's Not My Time acoustic version

Besides that?
I'm checking out SAFRA Card privileges & discounts. Hey Nad, Ramen Ten has a 50% off second Full Priced Ramen. You thinking what i'm thinking, B1? Yes, why don't you buy the 1st Ramen, and i'll buy the 2nd. Nak? Set..

You know when people randomly experience flashbacks, well i recently had a flash'forward'. Figure it out. I was waiting for Nad to end work, opposite CPF building. While sitting on the bench, i began to observe carefully the occasional white collar professionals moving about. With their long sleeved shirt, dark pants and dark shoes, they headed either to the train station or bus stop, marking the end of a busy day at work.

Turning to the roadside, BMW, Merc and the head turning *vroom* of a Supercar . Must be the MD, Director or some high end appointment holder in some big company.

Here's the flashforward part. Looking at all these people, makes me wonder where i wanna be in 5 to 10 years time. Yes they work in the business district, so smart, so professional, some earning more than another, but at the end of the day do i wanna be just another face in the crowd? A slave, told to come to work by 8am and finish work at 530pm, go home and come back the next day. Safe job? Mundane i'd say.

The answer is, NO. I'd rather be the one in that Supercar turning heads wherever i go. *grins*

Nothing To Do at 4:55 AM | 0 comments


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Thursday, August 6, 2009

I already knew something was coming when u asked me to stay, despite my parents' invitation to lunch. Fishy...

You've never suggested going against my parents. Fishy...

Did you want me to stay home cause you had a Special deliver coming? Fishy...

More or less i had figured out your motive. Element of surprise gone down by 30%. Sorry Nad...

BUT it sill did caught me offguard as i had already eaten my medicine and was about to lie on my bed to view some YouTube video. A surprise visit in my backyard put a smile to my face, not to mention the Asam Pedas you made for me.

A bit sweet and bland, but i'm sure its full of love and devotion. Thanks for the lamp too. You always know what to get for me. I'll be waiting for the day you're gonna import for me a Chevrolet Camaro a.k.a Bumblebee.

Its not as grand the way we imagined or want it to be, but the company was


Top notch

Number 1


Like i said before, 3 years down, a lifetime to go. Lets go all the way

In you, i've found a home, a Home Sweet Home

Nothing To Do at 6:52 AM | 0 comments


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